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“How Could Anything Escape from a Black Hole?”

This is an excerpt from book 1. Lizzie's now in the work world of her chosen career. 

We see her work ethic, but is it a good thing or not?
   “She also felt a deep, niggling sense of some unconscious rationale that drove her obsessive need to stay busy. Still, the emptiness of not having her family felt like a black hole orbiting her heart, it danced in a dangerous pattern, its trajectory threatening to pull her into the void. Its presence was vast and difficult to disregard. How could these memories and feelings she had sentenced to the abyss continue to haunt her? How could anything escape from a black hole?” 
     How do we deal with sorrow and loss? Do we aid and abet these feelings with anger, rebellion, a sense of “poor me…” why…? We will all likely, sometime, be faced with these situations. How did we or will we cope? Hum….?